VoteID 2009 Program

VoteID 2009 is supported by:
University of Luxembourg
University of Luxembourg

Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and
Interdisciplinary Centre for
Security, Reliability and Trust

Laboratory of Algorithmics,
Cryptology and Security

Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg
Fonds National de la Recherche Luxembourg

Sunday 6 September

19:00 Welcoming reception at Art Café (Theatre des Capucins)

Monday 7 September

8:30 Registration opens, coffee+tea
8:50 Welcome
9:00 Keynote lecture: Election Verifiability in Trustworthy Voting Systems (slides)
Mark Ryan
10:00 Break
10:15 Not-So Hidden Information: Optimal contracts for undue influence in E2E voting systems (slides)
Jeremy Clark, Urs Hengartner and Kate Larson.
10:45 Masked Ballot Voting for Receipt-Free Online Elections (slides)
Roland Wen and Richard Buckland
11:15 Improving and Simplifying a Variant of Pret a Voter (slides)
Ralf Kuesters, Tomasz Truderung and Andreas Vogt
11:45 Lunch at Tempura
14:00 Implications of Graphics on Usability and Accessibility for the Voter (slides)
Lana Lowry, Sharon Laskowski and Benjamin Smith
14:30 Assessing voters' attitudes towards electronic voting in Latin America: Evidence from Colombia's 2007 e-voting pilot
Michael Alvarez, Gabriel Katz, Hugo Martinez and Ricardo Llamosa
15:00 Coffee break
15:15 Developing a legal framework for remote electronic voting (slides)
Axel Schmidt, Dennis Heinson, Lucie Langer, Zoi Opitz-Talidou, Philipp Richter, Melanie Volkamer and Johannes Buchmann
15:45 VeryVote: a voter verifiable code voting system (slides)
Rui Joaquim, Carlos Ribeiro and Paulo Ferreira
16:15 Presentation ends
17:30 City tour (2 hours) (depart from Place Guillaume II)
20:00 Conference Dinner at Fourchette à Droite

Tuesday 8 September

8:30 Coffee
9:00 Minimum Disclosure Counting for the Alternative Vote (slides)
Roland Wen and Richard Buckland
9:30 A Design Of Secure Preferential E-Voting (slides)
Kun Peng and Feng Bao
10:00 Coffee break
10:15 Invited lecture: How hard is it to manipulate voting?
Helger Lipmaa
11:15 Coffee break
11:30 RIES - Rijnland Internet Election System: a cursory study of published source code
Rop Gonggrijp, Willem-Jan Hengeveld, Eelco Hotting, Sebastian Schmidt and Frederik Weidemann
12:00 Combatting electoral traces: the Dutch tempest discussion and beyond (slides)
Wolter Pieters
12:30 Closing
12:45 Farewell Lunch at Porta Nova

Keynote (Monday 7 September, 9:00)

Prof. Dr. Mark Ryan Mark Ryan, Election Verifiability in Trustworthy Voting Systems
(joint work with Mounira Kourjieh, Steve Kremer, Ben Smyth)
Election verifiability by voters and observers is essential for engendering public trust of electronic elections. We show how aspects of election verifiability can be formalised, and how those aspects can be evaluated for a range of election systems in the literature. Election verifiability intuitively appears to conflict with coercion resistance; we show that our definition is compatible with our previous definition of coercion resistance and exhibit some systems that satisfy both.

Invited lecture (Tuesday 8 September, 10:15)

Dr. Helger Lipmaa Helger Lipmaa, How hard is it to manipulate voting?
(joint work with Edith Elkind)

We address the problem of constructing mechanisms for popular voting that are computationally hard to manipulate. A recent paper by Conitzer and Sandholm shows that one can make many well-known mechanisms resistant to manipulation by prepending them with a pre-round of a certain form. Variants of these technique result in mechanisms that are NP-hard, #P-hard, or PSPACE-hard. We extend this result in several directions.

First, we show that using this approach, one can make manipulation as hard as inverting one-way functions. This hardness criterion is standard in cryptography, and is an important step in achieving average-case hardness.

Second, we introduce a general technique for obtaining a new mechanism by combining two or more base mechanisms, and study the resulting class of hybrid voting mechanisms. We show that the mechanisms of Conitzer and Sandholm can be viewed as a special case of our construction. Moreover, many other mechanisms in this class are also hard to manipulate, and some of them have a combination of desirable properties not shared by previously known manipulation-resistant mechanisms.

Finally, we discuss the limitations of pre-round based mechanisms and show that they cannot be used to achieve some natural average-case hardness goals.